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Mission of Sweenobles Health Products New Zealand

Our mission is to help people improve their health and quality of life, by innovating and providing products with premium quality, unique functionality and top customer service

Science-based innovation with integrity


"My Sweenobles journey is fueled with passion for Science, Research & Development, Nutrition, Human Health, and run a business that makes people happy and healthy the best I can." 

- Founder, Dr. Esther Chong

Sweenobles Health Products was founded with the mission to innovate premium, safe, effective consumer products, to help individuals achieve better health and quality of life. Our products are made in New Zealand. Only safe, high-quality, and scientifically proven efficacious ingredients are used. Each product is produced ethically to deliver what it promises to do for our valuable customers. Our flagship product is Joint MaxActives topical gel, a science-based formula produced to empower you to stay active and healthy. We also have developed and launched a series of all-natural premium cosmeceutical and aromatherapeutic products for your everyday skincare, haircare needs and general-wellbeing. Briefly about my professional background, I hold a PhD Degree in Nutritional Science, a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor Degree in Technology, from Massey University, New Zealand. My expertise encompasses nutrition and health products innovation, scientific research, analysis, product safety, quality assurance, technical consultancy and training. I am particularly passionate about using bio-actives blessed by our mother nature for my health products Research & Development, as well reflected in our series of Sweenobles products.